Proudly South African to host Bamenda’s biggest Robertson Pool Party this December
The Proudly South African company has a huge plan for Bamenda this December which includes hosting one of the biggest pool parties in the town and introducing one of it’s finest wines, Robertson Winery.
The company’s director, Nsuh Cyprain Nji says “Robertson Pool Connection” is an outdoor pool party intended to bring together consumers of the Robertson Winery wines to commune together as one big happy family during this festive season.

“We have worked so hard to import amazingly beautiful wines into Cameroon at very affordable prices. Actually, four star wines at two star prices. Over the years, our clients around the country have slowly but surely realized the comparative advantages that our wines have over other wines and our clientele has grown. Robertson Winery wines have earned a place in every wine drinkers shopping basket,” says the CEO.“Considering the love our clients have for the wines we thought it wise to organize this party so we get to enjoy with them and also have the opportunity to get their concerns about the wine and maybe improve on our products and services if need be,” Nsuh Cyprain explains further.

[…] Winery wines will be the major consuming product at the upcoming Robertson Pool Party on December 9 at Mawah Hotel in Bamenda. Proudly South African Company wants to bring together […]