Alfred Tarh: 5 things to know about the Cameroonian refereeing with Austria’s Bizirk Liga

Rarely do we get to hear of a Cameroonian who has so much passion to become a major game changer in the referee federation in Cameroon until we met Alred Tarh a.k.a Vorderwinkler.

Here’s everything you need to know about the man who is ready to become a force to recon with in the world of football referees in Cameroon.

Alfred Tarh Vorderwinkler wants referee profession to be taken seriously in Cameroon

1. Alfred Tarh is a Cameroonian who once lived in Limbe (South West Region) and is now the only Cameroonian referee in Bizirk Liga in Austria. Tarh began referring with the European third division league back in 2015 and is reportedly been liked and admired by most players in his league.

2. Alfred Tarh is an engineer in plastic technology who has never played professional football in his life but loves watching the games on television. According to him, “I just did hobby football but now, I am in love with refereeing the games.”

Alfred Tarh Vorderwinkler
Alfred Tarh Vorderwinkler refereeing with Bizirk Liga, Austria

3. The only reason he is into the refereeing business is because he needed a profession that would keep him disciplined in sports. “I am an athletic person by nature and i wanted to do something to not only stay active but be part of another profession, besides engineering, that doesn’t require retirement at an early age.” Besides, being fit is also a major requirement to become a referee.

4. Alfred‘s mentor is 65 years old but “he’s one of the best mentors anyone could wish for”. Alfred’s mentor is a former referee but who’s no more physically fit to play games. However, he says he’s most favorite football referee in the world is the famous former  Italian born football referee, Pierluigi Collina.

Alfred Tarh Vorderwinkler
Alfred Tarh Vorderwinkler

5. Alfred‘s dream is to return to home and take control of the Referee Federation of Cameroon. “Referees in Cameroon lack technology and quality. Their refereeing is not top class. So, I want to come back and train young referees in my country and also improve on the refereeing system in Cameroon. What I have observed over the years is that local referees here are not protected enough and it has made the profession very dangerous for young people to join in. I want to change that, I have to change that.”

Dcoders, do you think Alfred stands a chance to come change things in Cameroon? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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