Crispy reveals top 5 most romantic movies to watch on Valentine’s Day

It’s Valentine’s Day week and rapper Crispy is revealing his top 5 most romantic movies to watch on Valentine’s Day. Don’t worry, ‘Titanic’ isn’t one of them!

The young Cameroonian rapper is unveiling some movies he would recommend for lovers or anyone in general to watch on Lover’s Day. To him, romantic movies are the best to suit the mood, even though he is fan of Sci-fis.

Here are Crispy‘s top 5 romantic movies perfect for Valentine’s Day and this is how he describes each of them;


1. An Affair to Remember

This, for me, is a classic and it teaches patience and understanding.  It teaches a lot about feelings. Couples need to watch it.

2. The Notebook

It teaches commitment and of course patience and love

3. You’ve Got Mail

This movie teaches or shows the power of love and how it can actually turn differences into similarities.

4. Everything, Everything

It shows the power of love. And how it can push you to face whatever .

5. Sleeping With Other People

This movie shows the power of love and affection. Really good to watch.

Watch Crispy in  Bad Man Tin video below:



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