“Rumble” TV series heads to STV Douala
Popular TV series, Rumble is heading to Spectrum Television (STV).
The Cameroonian TV production gained its popularity after making its debut on the Cameroon Radio and Television (CRTV) last year.
A rep for ‘Rumble’ tells us that the move is to give the audience a better chance to catch up with the series for the second time especially for those who missed out on some of the episodes.
“It is also a great opportunity for the show to gain a new audience… people who have never seen it will have a chance to and for those who missed out on some of the early episodes, get to catch up,” Agbor Obed, co-producer of the TV series explains to DCODED TV.
The ‘Rumble’ TV series has 150 episodes and will be airing on STV as from June 5… Monday to Friday at 7:30 pm. The compiled weekly episode will air on Saturdays on same channel.
Watch Rumble trailer