‘My Image’ short film on domestic violence premieres in December
Cameroonian film director, Nkanya Nkwai is teaming up with domestic violence activist Lynn Ekema to exploit the serious issues of spousal abuse in the new short film, ‘My Image’.
Domestic violence appears to be rampant in the Cameroonian society. It is a problem that affects most homes but most importantly has become the reason why most women suffer from low self-esteem, lose self worth and sometimes loss of lives in marriages and other love relationships.

‘My Image’ is a movie which revolves around a prominent married couple, Besong and Blessing whose love for each other is marred by domestic violence.
‘My Image’ is all about Blessing who suffers low self esteem and worth thanks to repeated domestic violence by her man, Besong. But does she survive the physical, psychological and sexual abuses or does she lose her life as a result?
Lynn Ekema, executive producer and screenplay writer, explains that the film is based on true stories of victims of domestic violence in Cameroon and its one of those films which highlight the realness of those who experience such brutality from the people they love and trust the most.
This is Nkanya‘s 7th film as a director and he says he hopes this film goes a long way to create awareness in our society and help someone somewhere to get help as soon as possible.
Nabil Fongod plays Mr. Besong and his wife Blessing is played by Syriette Che. Other actors featuring in this film include: Brenda Elung, Raphael Obi Tambe, Palmer Ngale and Godisz Fungwa.
‘My Image’ premieres on December 1 in Buea.