Brenda Dery vs Valerie Ayena: Who has the better swimsuit pics?
The battle is on!
Brenda Dery and Valerie Ayena are drawing all types of attention thanks to their hot lingerie or bikini pictures on social media. Undoubtedly, people can’t stop drawing up the comparisons, after all they are entertainers!
Both women clearly are very much aware of how ah-mazing their bodies look and are not shy rocking teeny tiny swimsuits!

Though they do not share similar curvaceous frames, we need to know how these women keep in shape, what do they eat and what do they love the most about their hot bods.

The pair have more than one in common and that will also include the fact that they are athletic. Brenda Dery is a professional choreographer who needs to be fit to rock those ‘impossible’ dance steps and body twisting moves. So to her, body fitness has to be priority.

Meanwhile Valerie Ayena is a professional model and one time Miss Cameroon. Its just obvious that her body should suit her profession – a model!
Both stars are beauties to behold with different personalities, different occupations but one goal – to look good and maintain a healthy look!
Who does the bikini pic better?