My Image Movie: All you need to know about Cameroon’s film on domestic violence
‘My Image‘ is an amazing movie which will be premiered in Buea on December 1, 2018 but there’s so much more about this thrilling film which raises a discuss on domestic violence in our communities, what can be done and who is at risk.

1. ‘My Image’ is Nkanya Nkwai‘s 7th film as a director and also Lynn Ekema‘s debut production. The movie raises awareness on the ills of domestic violence and highlights the strength of women in this conditions. The film is about a young woman who suffers low self esteem and worth as a result of repeated domestic violence by her spouse. Domestic violence should be a topic of discussion in our homes, clubs and hangouts. Many lose their lives as a result and children turn to suffer should parents split or any dies due to domestic violence.
2. ‘My Image’ was shot in Buea and it was a wrap in just one week! It features radio presenter, Nabil Nabstar Fongod, actress Syriette Che as well as Brenda Elung, Raphael Obi Tambe, Palmer Ngale and Godisz Fungwa.
3. This film was created by Lynn Ekema as a platform to fight for domestic violence victims.
“A lot of women are suffering in silence and some of these women do not even know that they’re being abused. Creating awareness helps women recognize signs of abuse and make informed decisions. We want them to know that abuse is not acceptable. We are raising our voices because the repercussions extend to the children. While we want to keep these women safe, we also want to make sure the mental/psychological and physical health of the children are considered,” explains Ekema.

4. ‘My Image’ is based on true stories of Cameroonian female victims of domestic violence. It’s quite an emotional ride and portrays the reality of our society.
5. Lynn Ekema‘s film is here to answer a certain question raised by some men: Are women to be blamed for being violated by their spouses or any one?
“You can’t blame someone for being slapped across the face. Most times, we enable the abuser by asking the woman ‘what did you do to make him so angry?’ His boss/friends/family probably get him angry too, but you don’t see the abuser beating them up! Nobody goes to work and decides to give their boss the silent treatment. Women should not be blamed for being mistreated, instead we need to practice empathy at most times,” says Lynn.
‘My Image’ premieres at the Mountain Hotel on December 1.
Tickets are available at Zumhoo studios and Njieforbi Bakery in Molyko Buea.