6 easy ways to spot a player

Who is a player? To the best of my knowledge, a player is that guy who sleeps with several women for whatsoever reason. He doesn’t need to have a lot of money but he just need to have sweet words!

So, there are several ways to know if a guy is really a player or not… here are five of them.

  1. Players take grooming way to seriously. Meaning they always want to look good at ALL times. Their haircut is on point, clothes are always clean and ironed, they smell good with the best perfumes or body sprays and yes, they use toothpick ALWAYS (even with no vegetables on their teeth, lol)
  2. Players are too nice to be real… a.k.a too good for comfort.
  3. Players take sex seriously. They are good in bed and always want to please a woman.
  4. Players do all the right things like being the perfect gentlemen. They can open the door for you (girls), push out a seat for you, make sure you look good before stepping out, give you a kiss on the forehead in public etc. Beware! This doesn’t mean he cares.
  5. Players are selfish. They always want to have all the girls to themselves but would be jealous if one or any of them is dating someone else. In simple terms, they don’t want to share their women (Isn’t that a bitch!?)
  6. First impression matters to them. Players are very cautious about their first dates, first kiss, first meeting, first conversation and so many first things… lol.

Hope this helped. I got major support from my dear friend and actor, Frank Sire on this piece.

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