Is sex on the first date normal?

People meet at various places. To do some work or meet new faces! So why should sex on the first date be a problem to some people and normal to others? After all, people met, liked or admired each other and then went ahead to do some “work”! What’s the big deal?

As far as I am concerned, today, sex is as local, common and/or normal as possible. People meet in the first time in a nightclub, supermarket, snack bar, in traffic and find themselves having sex after that. It may sound bizarre but it’s the truth. But does it mean its right to have sex after the first meeting?

“I met a guy at a birthday party recently, yes, it wasn’t out first time of meeting alright… because we had met on 2-3 occasions but under very different circumstances where we couldn’t talk to each other. But this was the first time we were meeting and talking to each other.

We began flirting at the party and by the end of that day, we had sex. Yes, we did and it was insanely good! Did it feel strange? Yes but we didn’t regret doing it.”

Now, I understand that many people find it hard to go down after the first meeting and it’s cool but I also want to let you know it’s totally okay especially if condoms are used and that’s’ what you really want to do.

But my advice is, don’t attach any strong feelings after that sexual intercourse because there’s none! The fact that you had sex doesn’t mean he/she is in love with you. It also doesn’t mean he/she wants a relationship with you. It was just sex! So please leave it as that!

The mistake most people do, especially my sisters, is that they start thinking he loves me… he wants to date me… No! He was just having a great time because you let him! If you said no, he wouldn’t go that far on the first date. If you want a relationship, make him a sweat a little and you judge if he’s serious or not.

Do not get angry he doesn’t call to check on you after that sex. Do not blame him for not saving your number in his phone after you’re done. Do not start reigning curses on all men because you messed up with that one guy on your first meeting. Do not start calling him every day because you collected his number. Do not start telling him about your life struggles just because he called to find out if you got home safely. It’s totally unnecessary and wastage of energy.

If you choose to have sex after meeting him/her on the first day, you should be wise enough to know it’s just about sex, being horny or you just wanting to have fun! Nothing serious.

So, I have come to the conclusion that it’s because most people end up attaching emotions after that first-day-sex that they now condemn sex on the first day as being a completely wrong idea. It’s this group of people who think allowing sex on the first day makes you cheap, vulnerable or gullible. Meanwhile, it’s you who just acted like an 6-year-old…

“Because I saw candy in a jar at the supermarket I have to buy, eat it and keep the wrap in my locker!”

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