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5 strategic ways to dump your Buea girlfriend

Having issues trying to dismiss your Buea girlfriend without necessarily hurting her so badly? Well, here are some few tips the guys may want to try. (Sorry ladies) 1. Act Poor Buea girls want to live the life – the comfortable life –…

5 simple ways to please a woman in bed

Guys listen up!!! This will require every attention there is. Are you one of those guys who is finding it hard to please a woman in bed? Does she complain every time about the way you have sex with her?  Well, know there are very simple…

6 easy ways to spot a player

Who is a player? To the best of my knowledge, a player is that guy who sleeps with several women for whatsoever reason. He doesn’t need to have a lot of money but he just need to have sweet words! So, there are several ways to know if a…

5 Ridiculous ways Donald Trump regards sex

If there’s one person in this world who loves sex is definitely US Presidential hopeful, Donald Trump! I mean, did you listen to his leaked voice recording? It was horrible and degrading to women but most importantly, Trump gave his ideas…

Has sex lost its value among young people?

According to the Oxford dictionary, the word sex means sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse.  Back in the day, sex was valued as the height of love between two people especially those who were married. But today, sex…