Syndy Emade and others snub Bonteh Digital Media Awards 2017
As is customary with award shows, some times nominees and even winners don’t show up. We all know there has been much talk about the credibility of award shows in Cameroon and many even questioned the self-named Bonteh Digital Media Awards (BDMA) – as in, is the young Bonteh Engelbert well placed to be organizing such an event?
One cannot help but imagine that the no-shows intentionally snubbed the event for the aforementioned reason.

Some notable absentees were: Syndy Emade, President Tchop Tchop, Sophie Ngassa, Brice Albin, Bonas, etc. Absences are understandable for those in the diaspora but I guess common courtesy would have had them send representatives to receive their awards on their behalf. I’m sure that it is not an overly demanding task. I also believe that each of the names mentioned above know somebody who was in that hall, Friday night, who was going to be there anyway. I mean, it wouldn’t cost you a tooth to that.
In the midst of all the gross display of disrespect and “Ain’t nobody got time for that,” Clarisse Ndinge of Beta Tinz, used the opportunity to show other PR folk there present in the hall a lesson in public relations that they probably missed (I hope this article helps) – a move that had many wondering why she didn’t bag the award for Best Public Relations which went to Enobi Prince Michael.
ALSO READ: See Full List of Winners at the Bonteh Digital Media Awards 2017

Ndinge probably just secured herself a PR job for Syndy Emade. In the awkward moment of silence that followed the revelation of Syndy as ‘Media Personality of the Year’; and the head-turning as the audience scanned the room for any sign of the actress or a representative, Clarisse Ndinge stepped up to collect the award on Syndy’s behalf.
From Clarisse’s acceptance speech which was something in the lines of, “I don’t know what Syndy would have said if she was here… Syndy is a nice person who has done a lot for our entertainment industry…” one could tell that she wasn’t asked to do this for Syndy. For if that was the case, we would have probably heard something in the light of “Syndy wanted me to tell you all that…”
That was a well calculated move on the part of Ndinge which just goes to show how brilliant and proactive she is with her profession. I hope that many who are looking into the PR profession can pull off this page from the Clarisse Ndinge press book. Other nominees should have the courtesy to notify the organizers of their absences and send a message or a representative should they win.
All these things that so-called PRs don’t know what to do should end in 2017!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I can’t really start judging her not present at the event alongside others but I think it’s really poor to undermine such a great initiative just because it’s coming from a very young college guy. I really wish I were there myself just that I got really damn broke at the last hours and couldn’t afford ticket no more. The reason our industry don’t grow as others it’s because we don’t support each other when we’re supposed. I wonder how those who were not present and didn’t show any interest in the event will handle the honor given to them as winners. I wonder if it would mean anything to them at all.
Hahahha.. I love this last sentence 😂😂..
Lovely write up and yeah Clarisse did the extraordinary.. Thinking outta the box. That was a tactical and smart of her…
That was a nice save. Cheers to Clarisse for stepping in for a sister. This should serve as a lesson too.
What an article!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the angle and how Clarisse Ndinge becomes the Messiah. Really good read
Wow! So has she even posted anything about the award since she heard that she won? Just proves she didnt give a shit about it! Bonteh should think twice before putting some irrelevant names on a digital award nomination list.
My major concern here is – Is Syndy Emade a MEDIA PERSONALITY???????????????????????
Who nominated an actress as a media personality? What does she know about the media field? Its no surprise she totally forgot about the award or didnt give it a valuable thought. Sad.
Why is this even important? Actress is now a media personality. hahahahahahahahahaha
Wandas shall never end
Syndy is in Nigeria for the premiere of her movie A man for the weekend. Thats why she couldnt come to the award. So theres no snub here. This is unfair
Wait, Kiki Bandy didnt win this category????????????????????
Damn! Do these people know what a media personality is?
From what i understand Syndy Emade is now a Trevor Noah, Larry King, Charles Ebune, George Ewane… Wonderful.
Why wont she snub the award… even her didnt understand why she was nominated as media personality. Lol
People like Charles Ebune, President Tchop Tchop, Nchanji, Joan Ngomba, Kiki Bandy will be so embarrassed at this victory. Please put Syndy in her lane – FILM! Only then will she show up.
She didnt only come for the award, she also didnt send a representative to receive the award should she win. THATS SNUB
When you nominate an actress as a media personality, even her couldnt fit into that catgory. So why come?
Syndy keeps trending… even when she doesnt show up at an event. HAHAHAHA wuna get time ya
Why will she come when she knows the audience might boo her on stage…lol
Is she a media personality?
Was Syndy told she was nominated?
But why is this news… If its not about film, why would she show up?
Media Personality my foot!
Syndy was out of the country. Why all these hate? Is she the one who nominated herself? Why hate when someone wins? Cameroonians and bad belle
Syndy is in Nigeria for her movie premiere. You guys should take a chill pill abeg. Hate oh!
Being out of the country is no excuse for any nominee not to ask someone to represent her or him at the live shows. By her not doing so means she cared less about the award itself. Thank God there was an brilliant and smart person in the room else it would look really bad on Syndy. Its a shame.
Big ups to Clarrise Ndinge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best PR 2017!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Great write up! Joan you are the best at this!
Shout out to Clarisse Ndinge… you saved that awkward moment like a pro!
Great job!
Syndy may have foreseen the boos she would receive should she have attended as a media personality nominee. WTF!
Actress turn media personality! Hahahaha
Syndy Emade too na who noh? Wettin concern toothbrush and bird??????????
How is she a media personality in the first place? Cameroon too oh
Atleast Syndy was out of pays. What about Brice Albin and Bonas…. why didnt they come.. or did they have to pay them before they did?
As for Tchop Tchop… Maybe he thought the military are still shooting innocent people on the street… thats why he didnt come. Badluck pipo dem
Syndy is a snub. A big snub. full stop!
Out of the country or not, she should have assigned someone to collect her trophy on her behalf if she wins. Thank God for Ndinge. Great PR move from that lady indeed!
Clarisse Ndinge you di drink na wetti?????????????????
Great save!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So if you dont attend event na news? Na wa oh and people are here killing themselves with comments. Wuna don ask the Syndy why she never showed up?
Syndy is a nice person. There must be an explanation for her absence
These comments though…………………………………… pop corn please
Syndy should have assigned someone to speak on her behalf. That was wrong for her not have done so. However, a round of applause fro Ndinge.
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